Thursday, June 2, 2016

This article examines how virtual reality is helping to inspire donors. For a long time, the best way to understand and sympathize with something was to go there and be part of the action. Now virtual reality is able to take people into the places and show the conditions of certain people. This will inspire people to donate in a way that they have never before. This new technology pushes people to experience the poor and be able to help. By taking donors to places that have no water, companies are able to place a small amount of blame onto people and that pushes them to make a donation that they might not make in the first place.

This article from AdWeek discusses three major lessons that Goodwill learned from analyzing its advertising. The company set out to discover which of its advertising mediums was having the greatest effect. The first thing they found was that digital made up only 5% of the media, but drove 49% of the donations. This analysis exposed the power that digital has in this new market. It dominated all other competition by driving almost half of donations from consumers. Second, the analysis confirmed that TV was still vital due to the scale of its consumers. Many people still watch tv and it has not become irrelevant yet. However, perhaps the most important factor that Goodwill found was that the best media is a mixed media. This means that advertisers should always focus on a spread of media. This should drive profit up a large amount by using all platforms.

This article from examines 16 of the newest trends that are hitting the market in 2016. One of these trends is exposing the gender inequality and income difference in America. Women make 79% of what men make in America and brands continue to use this information to draw women into purchasing their products. By exposing this difference and claiming to create a change in this phenomenon, brands are showing their support and gathering female followers across the nation. This article also examines many other trends going on in the world today and some of the brands that are changing the way in which we interpret this trends. A great read, I recommend everyone follow the newest trends from around the globe.

This article from AdAge examines a new Supreme Court ruling over lawsuits concerning bad consumer data. Essentially, it is now increasing more difficult for consumers or companies to sue over bad data. Lawyers argued that people cannot be responsible for errors in the measurement of data, or in their presentation of that misinterpreted data. The court agreed and now it will be very difficult to hold companies over presenting bad data. I personally believe this is not good for the future of advertising because now companies will be able to present data that is inaccurate and not be held accountable for their actions.

This article from AdAge examines how Google could be attempting to build the "Matrix." However, in Googles case, this would not be the matrix. Instead it would be called the "Alphatrix," after Googles alphabet holding company. If Google had its way, we would all be connected to the internet at all times, wearing Google headsets at home, Google glasses on the way to work, and talking to our self-driving Google cars. We would inherently be in a complete Alphatrix world, where all of our wants and needs could be satisfied before we even wanted or needed them. In this highly reactive world, Google would be able to measure our attitudes and feelings. It would have suggestions for us and provide us with consumption abilities at every turn. Maybe we are not there yet, but I found this article interesting to think about. Just what will our future hold?

This article from AdAge examines the new actors to fill in for the most interesting man in the world campaign from Dos Equis. The beloved campaign has sent the most interesting man into space to go see Mars. Now, subbing in new summer spots for the brand, actors Erin Andrews and Luis Guzman will be telling their interesting stories to the target market. I have loved this campaign from the beginning and I hope that these two actors will continue to show great respect for the brand and allow Dos Equis to grow exponentially.

This article from AdAge discusses a meeting that took place on Wednesday between all of the heads of major digital advertising companies and the FBI, DoJ, and more. This meeting was to focus on the use of malware by criminals in the US and abroad. Together, the heads of the industry and the government are seeking to convene together in hopes that they will be able to find a solution to the hackers malware. Everyday, money is being stolen from consumers by malware that is input from criminals onto regular advertisements. This problem can be stopped, and this meeting hopefully will find some solutions.  This meeting is an excellent step in the direction for internet safety, not only for consumers, but for advertisers as well.

This article from AdWeek shows the growing ability of measurement in the digital platform of advertising. Two tech companies, called Krux and Survata, are combining to study online trends before a company begins a campaign. However, now these two companies are going to be able to offer advertisers something that they have not been able to use before. Krux and Survata will not only give a measurement of opinions before a campaign launches, but also they will be able to measure the responsiveness of the advertisements in real time. This real time processing of data will allow advertisers to see the effectiveness of their work in high detail. This newfound data is important because it shows the future of measurement. This is how all ads will be measured on the digital platform in a few years time.

This article from AdWeek shows an example of how mobile advertisements have been targeted to people on double-decker tour buses in big cities. By targeting tourists on these buses, advertisers were able to design interactive ads on billboards and mobile devices that interacted with one another. Through this double advertising strategy, advertisers saw a massive increase in brand awareness and attraction. The main piece of information that I take from this article is just how effective mobile ads can be with the use of geotargeting. By knowing where people are, advertisements can be manipulated to adjust to the needs of a small segment of people. This strategy is scary and impressive.

From Adweek, this article examines the 7 newest digital advertising trends that are shaping the industry. The first examination comes in the form of digital advertising exploding on a massive scale. I think this trend shows how more and more advertisers are turning to mobile devices as the population spends more time on their personal phones. The second trend is Facebook and Google's advertising ability. Together, they control 76% of all online advertising. This trend surely will show how both of these massive companies are dominating the market. Third, consumers are annoyed by online advertisements. This trend shows how the population is now used to online advertising and iss regularly bothered my the ads they see. Fourth, mobile advertising has many more restrictions when it comes to ad blocking. Advertisers will see a lot of resistance when attempting to purchase this new ad space. Fifth, Shorter is better. The new generations have the attention span of children and will skip over long videos to see shorter ones. Sixth, millennials are still on Facebook. Unlike Myspace, millennials have stuck around with Facebook and still use it regularly to friend people and follow trends. Last, chat is the future. If advertisers can someone place ads on the chat space, they will be able to open the doors to how advertising is done in the future.